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Negotiations Update - Jan 20, 2021

CSEA Members,

As you can see from the District’s posted CSEA Negotiations Update, your team held firm on not allowing a mileage requirement to be in place for those who work from home, per the overwhelming response we received to our questionnaire asking for your input. We now have a signed tentative agreement. The information about management and or confidential employees being able to donate sick leave to our members will continue to be discussed while keeping in mind what we have contractual rights to agree to or not. Stay tuned!

The next step is that the CSEA field office will review the tentative agreement through the Policy 610 process to make certain that it aligns correctly with our contract and stated goals for keeping our employees as safe as possible during the reopening phase for our schools. Once we have received approval, we will hold a Zoom meeting for questions and then provide an electronic survey for you to vote yes or no on the tentative agreement.

It continues to concern our team that governmental leaders have not yet sent forth new protections for use of our personal leave when dealing with COVID-19. The last protections expired December 31, 2020. We will continue to keep you apprised of any possible changes to that, but until then please continue to:

  1. Wear a mask

  2. Social distance

  3. Wash your hands!

Luanne Brock

CSEA President

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